ELAC was created by the Legislature in 2007. ELAC representatitives from around the state meet regularly to provide input and recommendations to the Department of Early Learning so our strategies and actions are well-informed and broadly supported by parents, child care providers, health / safety experts and interested members of the public.
To read the minutes from the last ELAC meeting, please go here
The Early Learning Action Alliance is convened by the Children’s Alliance.
The Early Learning Action Alliance is a coalition of more than 40 organizations representing a diverse array of Washington nonprofits, professional associations, businesses and industries. We are united by the belief that all children in Washington state deserve to have the opportunities and support they need in their first five years of life to be prepared for school and a bright future.
September 16th 2009 was the annual ELAA retreat and legislative planning session. Key legislators were invited to lunch for early learning conversations and discussions.
The Collaborative has disbanded since visions and advocacy efforts are over lapping. One current Collaborative activity will continue under ELAA which is now called:
Early Learning and Afterschool Quarterly Meetings with State Agencies. WAEYC will convene these meetings which state agencies will discuss policy and budget information. Meetings will be 1:00-3:00pm in Olympia.
Janet from Schools Out facilitated:
Sonali Patel provided a financial forecast which there is a billion dollar deficit.
Bette Hyde DEL Director provided brief updates on some of the work of DEL
Bob Hamilton DEL Deputy Director is leading the Kindergarten Assessment process. DEL is currently meeting with schools and tribes to get a sense of what they’re currently doing and what they’re concerned about. Who struggles the most with assessments?
Can’t measure how children get along with others can only get this information from the provider or preschool teacher. Bob did acknowledge that there weren’t enough providers included at the table.
Sonali Patel did mention 3 work sessions coming up next week:
Wednesday: QRIS
Thurusday: K-12 response to Governors letter
Friday: Background check